
HUAWEI P30 及 Mate 20 Pro 皆可升上 Android Q

更新时间:2021-03-08 15:16:12

导读 商务部早前发出禁令将 Huawei 列入黑名单,多间企业为符合法例加入行列,如服务供应商 Google 、零件生产商 Intel 及高通等科技

商务部早前发出禁令将 Huawei 列入黑名单,多间企业为符合法例加入行列,如服务供应商 Google 、零件生产商 Intel 及高通等科技巨头都纷纷加入抵制行列,断绝与 HUAWEI 之间的往来,这无疑打击海外消费者对 HUAWEI 产品的信心。

不过 HUAWEI 近日就多次派发定心丸,早前就预告 HUAWEI Mate X 将会搭载 Android 作业系统,另外菲律宾零售商更推出消费者保证计划,假如 Google 服务无法在 HUAWEI 指定手机型号上正常使用,顾客可申请全额退款。另外最近就会官方 Twitter 及网站上讲明目前已推出市场的 P30 系列及 Mate 20 系列可获得 Android Q 的升级。

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Our commitment to you

At Huawei, we always put our consumers first, regardless of the challenges we face.

All Huawei smartphones, tablets and PCs will continue to receive security patches, Android updates and Microsoft support.

Anyone who has already bought, or is about to buy a Huawei smartphone, can continue to access the world of apps as they have always done. All devices continue to be covered by our manufacturer’s warranty and will receive full service support accordingly.

Our most popular current devices, including the P30 series, will be able to access Android Q. In fact, we have already launched a beta developer programme for Android Q which is running right now on our Mate 20 Pro device.

We fully appreciate that you may have additional questions. You can find answers to the most common points of confusion and rumours below.

